ATI Application & Agreement

The complete ATI Application & Agreement can be downloaded as a PDF here.

Accredited Training Institute (ATI) Agreement Updated – May 1, 2021
To improve consistency within the training department of the Scaffold & Access Industry Association, Inc. (SAIA), the SAIA has revised and updated the Accredited Training Institute (ATI) Terms of Reference. This content will replace existing content for all new ATI applicants as they are submitted for review. The granting and/or renewal of ATI accreditation is conditional upon the ATI’s agreement to the terms below.


Approval of an ATI is based on the resume of the Primary Instructor. If the Primary Instructor is no longer employed by the ATI at any time, the ATI must notify SAIA in writing within thirty (30) days that the instructor is no longer employed by the ATI. The ATI will then need to submit a new Primary Instructor resume to be approved by the ATI Review Committee. The ATI would immediately be placed on inactive status until a new Primary Instructor has been approved. If after six months no new Primary Instructor has been approved, the ATI shall lose its accreditation status and may need to reapply as a new ATI in the future. All ATI’s must maintain current membership and current certificate within the SAIA.


An ATI will receive several benefits for taking part in the SAIA University training program. The ATI will be listed on SAIA’s website as a provider of SAIA training programs with the ATI’s contact information for potential students. The ATI will be listed in SAIA’s directory each year as an ATI as well as listed on all printed ATI materials. The ATI authorizes SAIA to publish its name and other information in these and similar publications. SAIA will provide all active ATI Instructors with 24/7 access to an ATI Portal containing all necessary training documents.


Upon acceptance of the ATI application, and payment in full of the accreditation fee, each Instructor will be sent an ATI Agreement for signature and a Policy & Procedures Manual to use as a guideline for instruction. These documents are available for inspection during the application process. Failure to comply with these documents could result in an audit of the ATI activities and possible revocation of the ATI’s status. All instructors must complete and maintain a current instructor designation for each course that they have been approved to instruct.
All courses shall be taught in person in an instructor-led format. Practical sessions where there is a requirement to display competence through erection of components must be done either at a central training site where appropriate equipment is available, or on the job where qualified personnel can supervise the activity and verify competence.
It is further understood that most courses have a post-instruction test that requires a trainee to display competence. Record of performance on post-instruction tests must be maintained by the ATI. Also, at appropriate intervals, comprehensive theoretical and practical tests will be administered, the marks of which will be compiled to arrive at a final rating for each trainee.
At no time will the ATI or its instructors manipulate any of the SAIA training materials. This includes any manuals, exams, PowerPoint presentations, facilitators guide, or any other materials produced by SAIA. All manuals must be purchased through SAIA. Class packets sent to SAIA Headquarters must include the following documents:
  • SAIA Payment Form/Coversheet (one per class)
  • Student Form (one per student)
  • Scantron Test Answer Sheet (one per student – excludes Supported Hazard Awareness)
If documentation is not provided or incorrectly completed, course documents could be returned for correction, causing delays in processing, and additional fees may be incurred. Class packets received at SAIA Headquarters that are over 30 days past
the original class date may be penalized with a Late Payment Fee. See Section 11 Fees for details.


The following courses are offered by SAIA. All courses include a 3-year completion certificate unless noted below. Courses can only be taught by registered SAIA instructors approved for that course.
  • Competent Person Training – Frame Scaffold (CPT Frame)
  • Competent Person Training – System Scaffold (CPT System)
  • Competent Person Training–Tube & Clamp Scaffold (CPT T&C)
  • Competent Person Training – Suspended Scaffold (CPT SS)
  • Endorsement – Frame Scaffold (END Frame)
  • Endorsement – System Scaffold (END System)
  • Endorsement – Tube & Clamp Scaffold (END T&C)
  • Scaffold User Hazard Awareness Training (HA)
  • Suspended Scaffold User Hazard Awareness Training (SSHA)
  • Mobile Elevating Work Platform Operator Training / Mast Climbing Work Platform & Hoist Operator Training (MCWP) – 5 Year Certificate
  • Journeyman Scaffolder Program – No Expiration
  • Train the Trainer Facilitator Skills Workshop – No Expiration
As new curriculum is developed and made available to ATIs, it will be added to the listing of available courses. New curriculum may include revisions to existing content and/or additional delivery methods.


Any advertising by SAIA ATIs for non-SAIA programs shall NOT reference or utilize any SAIA or SAIA University logo.


SAIA has determined the minimum standards for the completion certificate. Upon successful completion, a pocket identification card and a certificate with a certificate number will be issued by SAIA. As new curriculum is developed and made available to ATIs, it will be included in the list of courses offering documentation of completion. Each ATI is responsible for distributing the completed documentation to their students.


SAIA will maintain a student database. Prior registration by each applicant with SAIA may be necessary.


Primary Instructor must be employed by the ATI. Primary Instructor must have documented personal training, work history, current SAIA certificate and a minimum of 5 years knowledge and/or practical wisdom in the subject matter to teach the courses for which they applied. Primary Instructor shall submit an experience resume along with this application for approval by SAIA. Primary Instructors must have registered for and successfully completed all SAIA courses that they intend to teach. All approved Primary Instructors must complete the Train the Trainer Facilitator Skills Workshop offered through the SAIA before final approval to teach any SAIA courses. All Instructors must maintain current credentials in all courses that they intend to teach.
Each ATI must employ at least one (1) instructor who meets the Primary Instructor requirements.
Instructor must be an employed by the ATI. Instructor must have documented personal training, work history, current SAIA certificate and a minimum 3 years knowledge and/or practical wisdom in the subject matter to teach the courses for which they applied. Instructor shall submit an experience resume along with this application for approval by SAIA.
NOTE: ALL INSTRUCTORS must have successfully completed all SAIA courses that they intend to teach. All approved instructors must complete the Train the Trainer Facilitator Skills Workshop offered through the SAIA before final approval to teach the SAIA courses. Instructors must maintain current credentials in all courses that they intend to teach.


The ATI and the ATI Instructors shall be subject to an audit to ensure compliance with the SAIA’s Quality Assurance Plan described in Section 3 herein. Any complaints, noncompliance with Section 3, or a change in the original accreditation information could necessitate an audit. Continued accreditation shall depend on compliance with the Quality Assurance Plan. If at any time it is deemed necessary for an audit the ATI Status will be suspended until the audit has taken place, been reviewed, and reinstated. The ATI Review Committee may also determine that certain conditions must be satisfied by the ATI and/or the ATI Instructors before the ATI status will be reinstated. Should an audit be required, as the result of a complaint or noncompliance with the Quality Assurance Plan, the fee payable by the ATI will be $500.00 USD, plus expenses. The audit shall not commence until SAIA has received the audit fee and the estimated expenses from the ATI.


If at any time SAIA receives a formally written complaint about an ATI or an ATI Instructor, it could result in suspension of the ATI status until an audit is conducted and evaluated by the ATI Review Committee.
A. When a complaint is received by the SAIA it will be reviewed by the ATI Review Committee.
B. Both the ATI and ATI Instructor will be notified of the complaint and the nature of the complaint.
C. Within the thirty (30) calendar days after the Notice of the Complaint is sent to the ATI and the ATI Instructor, the ATI
     and its instructor may respond in writing to the complaint to the ATI Review Committee.
D. The ATI Review Committee shall make a determination as to the complaint and recommend to the SAIA Board of  
     Directors any action necessary concerning the ATI and ATI Instructor (the “Review Decision”), which may include, but
     is not limited to, taking no action, suspending the ATI and/or the ATI Instructor, or terminating the accreditation of
     the ATI and/or the ATI Instructor.
E. The ATI Review Committee shall notify the ATI and the ATI Instructor in writing of its determination.
F. The ATI and/or the ATI Instructor may appeal any Review Decision by the ATI Review Committee by submitting an appeal
     in writing to the SAIA Board of Directors within ten (10) working days following the notification of the Review Decision.
G. The SAIA Board of Directors shall then consider the Review Decision and any timely received appeal by the ATI and/or
     the ATI Instructor. The SAIA Board of Directors may take any action it deems necessary with respect to the Review
     Decision and/or any appeal.


All fees are based on U.S. Dollar (USD).
The accreditation and initial start-up fee for all Supported Scaffold courses: $2,500.00
The accreditation and initial start-up fee for all Suspended Scaffold courses: $1,500.00
The accreditation and initial start-up fee for the Mast Climber, AWP, all MEWP, MCWP, Hoist courses: $2,000.00
The accreditation and initial start-up fee for the Journeyperson courses: $2,500.00
The accreditation and initial start-up fee for the Hazard Awareness courses: $1,000.00
Student Fee for CPT, MEWP, MCWP, Hoist and Journeyperson: $90.00 per student
or $70.00 per student with a prepaid Block Account
Student Fee for Supported Hazard Awareness: $30.00 per student
Endorsement Fee: $40.00 per endorsement – Endorsement classes must be taken at the same time as a base class.
Training Manuals – hard copy: $30.00 per manual/set ($15.00 for END)
Training Manuals – digital copy: $30.00 per manual/set ($15.00 for END)
Processing Fee: $10 per class
Reprint Fee: $15.00 per certificate
Late Packet Fee: A $50.00 late fee may be applied to class packets turned in after 30-days from the original class date.
Annual Renewal Fee: $500.00 for each training location. The first year’s renewal fee is included in the initial start-
up accreditation fees.
Audit Fee: $500.00 plus expenses.
SAIA offers ATIs the option of a prepaid Block Account. By signing up, the ATI will save $20.00 per student on all Journeyperson, CPT, MEWP, MCWP, and Hoist instructor led classes. The Block Account can be purchased in increments of $3,500 (50 students) or $7,000 (100 students). SAIA will maintain the account and as classes come through, charges will automatically be applied to the account. When the account begins to run low, SAIA Training Department will notify the ATI. An overview of the account can be provided upon request at any time.
The SAIA retains the right to adjust training program fees at any time as it deems necessary to accommodate industry, demographic, and economic changes.


Upon approval of the Application for Accreditation, payment in full of the accreditation fee and completion of required instructor courses and ATI Orientation, training materials will be accessible to the ATI through the SAIA Learning Management System (LMS). Materials include, but are not limited to, required course documentation, resource and presentation files and course/curriculum instruction. For in person testing Scantron sheets will be provided.
SAIA retains all ownership and copyrights to the training program curriculum and its content. All manuals must be purchased from SAIA to maintain the quality of the materials. ATIs shall not make copies of Training Materials.


Each party providing training should submit recommendations for improvement of the training materials. SAIA will provide ATIs and trainers with revised materials as they are updated. Additionally, new courses and content may be made available as they are developed.


SAIA shall indemnify, defend, and hold the ATI harmless from claims, demands and causes of action to include attorney fees, costs and expenses asserted against the SAIA by any other person (including without limitation the SAIA’s and the ATI’s employees) for personal injury or death, or for loss of or damage to property resulting from the willful or negligent acts or omissions of the SAIA.
ATI shall indemnify, defend, and hold the SAIA harmless from claims, demands and causes of action to include attorney fees, costs
and expenses asserted for personal injury or death, or for loss of or damage to property resulting from the willful or negligent acts
or omissions of the ATI and its instructors.
Where personal injury, death, or loss of or damage to property is the result of the joint negligence or misconduct of the SAIA and the ATI, the parties expressly agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each other harmless from claims, demands and causes of action, including attorney fees, costs and expenses in proportion to each party’s share of such joint negligence or misconduct.
The terms of this agreement start May 1, 2021, or at the date of signing, whichever comes first, and shall remain in effect until the program is completed or until the agreement is revised or terminated, whichever comes first, with the exception of those provisions relating to copyright protection and indemnification, which shall survive the completion or termination of this agreement.


Accreditation Period: The accreditation of each ATI will run for a calendar year.
Renewal: SAIA will send to the ATI a notice of renewal package approximately 30 days before the beginning of each renewal period. The accreditation of the ATI will lapse if the invoice is not paid within 30 days of the new calendar year.
Revisions: From time to time, the SAIA may issue revisions to this ATI Agreement. These revisions will be sent with the notice of renewal. Renewal of the ATI’s accreditation is expressly conditional on the ATI’s acceptance of the revised terms.
Termination: SAIA may terminate the accreditation of any ATI upon 30 days’ notice to the ATI. SAIA may also terminate the accreditation of any ATI for non-renewal of SAIA membership. In addition, SAIA may terminate the accreditation of any ATI or ATI Instructor immediately upon an ATI’s breach of or the ATI Instructor’s breach of any material term or provision set forth herein. There will be no refund of fees in the event of SAIA’s cancelation of the accreditation of any ATI or an ATI Instructor. The ATI may terminate its accreditation upon (1) 90 days’ notice to the SAIA, or (2) by non-renewal of the accreditation. There will be no refund of fees should the ATI terminate its accreditation.


This Agreement only applies to the ATI named below. The ATI status is not transferable. The parties hereto certify by the signatures below by their authorized agent that they have read this Agreement, understand all its provisions, and agree to abide by them. The provisions, covenants and conditions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns of each of the parties hereto, except that no assignment by ATI shall be allowed and that no attempted assignment by the ATI shall vest any right in the assignee of the ATI. Any waiver by SAIA of any breach or breaches, default, or defaults of the ATI hereunder, shall not be deemed or construed to be a continuing waiver of such breach or default nor as a waiver of or permission expressed or implied, for any subsequent breach or default. This Agreement,
contains the entire agreement between the parties and except as specifically provided herein, no modification of this
Agreement shall be binding upon the parties unless evidenced by an agreement in writing signed by the parties hereto after the date hereof. The Agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Missouri, notwithstanding the operation of any conflict or choice of law statutes or decisional law to the contrary. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall be in the Federal or State Courts in Jackson County, Missouri.
The ATI acknowledges and agrees to abide by this Agreement. The ATI understands that failure to comply with the terms and conditions set forth herein could result in processing delays of courses or could lead to termination of accreditation.