Become one of our Accredited Training Institutes (ATI)
The first step to becoming one of our training partners is to make sure you have a current SAIA membership. Once you have established that you are a member in good standing you can get approved to teach our content by submitting your completed application to the SAIA. The ATI Review Committee will then consider your application for approval as an ATI. There is a one-time start-up fee and an annual $500 renewal fee to maintain your training status for each location you wish to have listed.
Individuals within your company who are interested in becoming an instructor must submit their resumé with the application for the ATI Review Committee to review their qualifications. Once approved as a qualified candidate, they will need to attend, and successfully complete, the SAIA Train the Trainer Facilitator Skills Workshop, and the Competent Person Training programs.
For a listing of all SAIAU classes and their descriptions, click here.
The complete ATI Agreement can be downloaded as a PDF here and outlines all the terms and requirements of being an ATI.
Some of the many benefits of becoming an ATI/ATI instructor for the SAIAU include:
Being listed on the SAIA website as a provider of SAIA training programs with your contact information for potential students
Having your name and contact information in the annual SAIA Directory and on all printed ATI materials
Getting 24/7 access to the ATI Portal and Learning Management System (LMS), which houses all the necessary training documents, proven industry standard training content, and other relevant materials
Meeting government and insurance requirements
Creating an additional revenue stream for your business
Providing a safer workplace for employees and customers
Establishing structure for career advancement for employees
Setting objective standards for new employee assessment by an independent, not-for-profit organization
For more information or to ask questions, contact Jackie Davis at