
The Scaffold & Access Industry Association (SAIA) is comprised of 5 active committees. Committes are closed groups responsible for the development and implementation of association needs and projects as they arise. 

Committees meet face-to-face twice a year: in the spring for a working meeting to plan out the year and each fall during the SAIA Annual Conference & Exposition. Committees are led by a chair and a co-chair, who are appointed by the SAIA President, and serves a two-year term. 

The SAIA relies on the leadership of our members to provide expertise and experience on the issues and challenges facing our industry. As such, all members of the association are invited to indicate their interest in serving on the various committees. Commitment is very vital. Serving on an SAIA Committee is an important responsibility that is taken very seriously. These are not political appointments – they are working appointments. Therefore, each member will be asked to make a personal commitment to make attendance at the meetings a priority, by attending every meeting, providing agendas, arriving on time, and staying for the duration of the meeting.

The SAIA is always looking for additional projects to help guide and shape our industry. By serving on an SAIA committee, council, task force, or working group you can help! SAIA needs your expertise and feedback to drive the industry's response to the issues and challenges facing your business. Please contact SAIA headquarters or the appropriate committee chair. These leaders have committed time, and their companies have donated resources, to ensure SAIA is meeting our mission. Thank you to the committee chairs of the SAIA.