Construction Hoist
To represent, promote and enhance the Construction Hoists segment of the access industry with an emphasis on safety, training and education for the benefit of members, the public and the access industry at large.
Our vision projects a marketplace complete with an abundance of well trained, qualified and/or competent construction hoist specialists adept at recognizing and correcting safety hazards relating to equipment quality, installation and removal operations, preventive maintenance, and safe use.
Expansion of the national data base for regulatory agencies to include the local level.
Continued research into a national rental contract, perhaps publishing a rental contract with the indemnity section directed to be completed by a local attorney familiar with the regional nuances of rental equipment contract language.
To begin research and development of a set of design and safe use guidelines for a special purpose hoist, the current material hoist standard (A10.5) does not address the machines in use today. It was further determined that the Construction Hoist Council (CHC) would author this document and submit it to the oversight committee for review prior to publishing or making available on the scaffold website. Paula Manning volunteered to head up the effort as the chair of the special purpose hoist committee.
To author, in coordination with the Mast Climbing Council (MCC), a set of training guidelines for the Transport Platform User Training. The CHC and MCC will jointly submit an application to the SAIA Education Foundation for funds to create and produce this training.
A hoist is for raising and lowering materials only. Movement of personnel on a material hoist is prohibited.
Fully enclosed car to meet code requirements (A10.5-2006).
Typical speeds will vary.
Typical load capacity will vary.
No riders allowed.
Base fence enclosure is required along with full height doors and landing gates (A10.5-2006).
Operator must be trained.
Code Compliance
ANSI/ASSE A10.5-2006 / ANSI/ASME B30.16-2012 / OSHA 1926.552, 1926.553, 1926.554
Transports personnel, workers, and material to and from an elevated level on a building or structure or a mechanism and its hoistway for use in connection with the construction, alteration, ongoing maintenance or demolition of a building, structure or other work. It is used for hoisting and lowering workers or materials or both, and is equipped with a car that moves vertically on guide members.
Cars are fully and permanently enclosed, top and sides.
Car proximity to building not more than 2.5 in. and no less than 3/4".
Typical speeds of 175 to 300 ft. per minute.
Typical load capacity of 6,000 to 8,000 lbs.
Effective for higher buildings.
Single or double car units.
Base fence enclosure is required along with full height doors and landing gates.
Riders not required to be trained.
Operator must be trained.
Typically high tie forces imposed on building.
Code Compliance
ANSI/ASSE A10.4-2007 / OSHA 1926.552
Codes of Safe Practices for Construction Hoist
Construction Elevators – No Longer a Luxury
Construction Hoists = Added Safety
Elevators, Hoists, and Platforms – What's What?
Inspecting Personnel Elevators
Inspection and Maintenance Checklist
Visual Ways to Spot if Equipment is ANSI Compliant
Transports only authorized personnel, materials, and tools to various levels on a structure.
Cars have guard rails, not fully enclosed.
Car proximity to building is minimum 18".
Typical speed of 40 feet per minute.
Typical load capacity of 3,000 to 6,000 lbs.
Generally not useful on higher buildings.
All riders must be trained and authorized.
Number of personnel on the platform is limited to 50% of the total payload.
No base fence enclosure required.
Platform stops when descending 10' above ground level. Operator checks for personnel or debris under platform.
Alarm sounds as platform descends final 10'.
Typically lower tie forces imposed on building.
Code Compliance
ANSI/SAIA A92.10-2009
Code of Safe Practices for Transport Platforms | English
Code of Safe Practices for Transport Platforms | Spanish
Eric Schmidt
Century Elevators
Shanon Beekman
Fraco Products, Ltd.